

Monday, May 18, 2015

career goals

In 5 Years

To the question of what my goals are for my career in the next 5 years I must say that I have always had career goals and many of them have been completed recently. First of all one of my accomplishments career wise is an animation that I am working on with a small collaborative team of five. The animation will total out at about 2 and a half minutes and on this project I am the head 3D modeler as well as texture lead, I am doing the post production work,  and lastly the audio work. This alone proves my versatility as well as skill, if not to anyone else than at least to myself.

My current goals happen to be finishing my bachelors of science degree in Animation and media arts and soon starting my tattoo apprenticeship. I would love to be a tattoo artist and to achieve this is high on my list of priorities. Not only is it a fantastic job but what is better than leaving a piece of yourself on people all over the world to carry. 

Honestly I have been evaluating my next job opportunity with this tattoo apprenticeship for a while. I started one a while back and it fell through forcing me to have to do it again. I love tattooing and I have to say that I think it is my dream job. When considering all that I have done I would say in the next five years I see myself doing tattoos at a fair priced shop. Who knows maybe own one at some point.  I do not think that is an impossibility by any means.

Monday, May 11, 2015

deeper meaning of Whatever Works

 deeper meaning of Whatever Works

In viewing the film Whatever Works I saw few similarities between how I feel about my future career and how I may go about it. One of those similarities being starting off confused and slowly becoming more involved with knowing myself and what I would like to do. Like the character of the mother I started off in the animation field picturing working on games or actual 3 D work. Much like how she thought she enjoyed being a house wife. I often looked at my life in confusion and to be honest still do but my goals have changed.

I no longer know if I want to be an animator or a modeler. Frankly my goal now, much like the main character, is to expand my horizons. Have found during my school experience that I like to do advertising, visual effects, and 3D modeling and materials. However I still lack the confidence in being absolutely positive that this is what I want to do. In fact much like the main characters lack of commitment to her Christian views I have a lack of commitment to animation. I am not sure I want this, more so it may be on the back burner for a while. 

Lately what I have found myself wanting to do for a living is become a tattoo artist. A lot like the character in the film I enjoy self-expression, I relish in it to be honest. And I feel that my talent would best be served in a different way than what I originally thought. Granted with the opportunity I am looking at at the moment I would be doing both what I go to school for and what I want to do. Taking all of this into consideration I have to say I am a lot like this main character. I am slowly finding myself in and out of my field.

            Now as for the tweets, I would say I really don’t see many similarities to what they have to do with the movie but that is a personal perspective. However on the note of what would I do for my dream job? I would say anything but that implies way more than I am actually willing to do. However what I will say is that for my dream job I would do as much as I possibly could. Would I sacrifice those I love absolutely not. Would I sacrifice my family… Well maybe my mom’s side. However no I probably wouldn’t. Would I sacrifice money? Yes I would, not a huge amount but a feasible amount. If I went from 18 dollars an hour to 11 for the price of doing what I love I would say yes in a heartbeat. 

            However a lot of us never get the opportunity to do what we love and I am not ignorant to this fact. Even she, in the film was not able to do what she loved until her life in a sense hit bottom. To be honest she didn’t even know what she loved however in the end she did. I think the film tries to say search for what you love in people and work at any cost. However in my opinion it should be at any reasonable cost. The film is definitely decent I cant help but feel a certain annoyance when it comes to the characters but that is neither here nor there.
            I guess I have a lot of thinking to do.