

Monday, April 20, 2015

New texturing program for 3D modelers.


Quixel Suites

Quixel Suites is a relatively new program for modeling and texturing, Frankly it is not very well known but is a great program for its price. It runs about 150 dollars for the indie pack that allows a commercial use up to 10,000 dollars a year. As a matter of fact the program was actually only announced last year around October. This is a very relative article to the class because in our field anything that can make you more productive makes you more of an asset. The article is very simple describing what the programs plans are and what they will have to offer eventually. I actually purchased it myself and have to say for the buck you pay the bang is evident.

The article also shows and discusses something I myself am fairly excited for. That is the Megasscans section that they are working on for the program. The Megascans is to be a library of premade textures that are royalty free, The will be editable using normal maps and all of the other features that the program offers.

I would recommend this program to anyone, like any program though there is a learning curve it is not really easy to master and the process can get confusing for first time users. However to anyone in the field I would recommend checking it out at least doing the trial version of it and give it a good old fashion test run. Remember the field is competitive and anything that gives you an edge over the competition is a necessity

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